Human Nature

Intelligence is misleading. All traits are common, but how they are nurtured through encounters, events, and impressions through our senses shapes who we become.

Intelligence is misleading. All traits are common, but how they are nurtured through encounters, events, and impressions through our senses shapes who we become.

1. People Are Born Unique, Nurtured by Surroundings 2. The Spectrum of Traits: A Continuum 3. Nurturing and Polishing Potential 4. Beyond High IQ vs. Low IQ: A Holistic View 5. Surroundings as a Major Influence 6. Intelligence as a Dynamic Process

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Social Mobility: Beyond Meritocracy

Social Mobility: Beyond Meritocracy

Social mobility was once largely determined by birth: where you were born and to whom. Your family’s status, wealth, and social connections set the trajectory of your life. Over time, society shifted towards the idea that one’s capabilities, aspirations, and effort should dictate social advancement. This meritocratic notion—that “hard work plus intelligence equals success”—seems fair […]

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The Communication Range: Understanding the Social Challenges of Gifted Individuals

The Communication Range: Understanding the Social Challenges of Gifted Individuals

When discussing intelligence, conversations often center on cognitive abilities, achievement, and potential. However, one crucial aspect frequently overlooked is the communication range—the concept that individuals with exceptionally high intelligence may face unique social challenges due to their intellectual divergence from the norm. This idea, first observed by Leta Hollingworth and later expanded by Grady M. Towers, […]

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Are We Creating a Vacuum for Gifted Minds?

Are We Creating a Vacuum for Gifted Minds?

In today’s world, we’ve built learning environments that are highly choreographed, structured, and linear. While this ensures predictability, are we unknowingly creating a vacuum where the potential for groundbreaking discovery is lost? Let’s consider the 2-3% of gifted children—kids with the IQ and potential to radically change fields, like Einstein, Newton, or Marie Curie. These historical figures didn’t thrive in a […]

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Self-awareness, in its most refined form, is first-rate intelligence.

Self-awareness, in its most refined form, is first-rate intelligence.

Self-awareness, in its most refined form, is first-rate intelligence. Yet, there seems to be a growing trend of outsourcing this awareness to external apparatuses. The reason? Cultivating deep self-awareness takes consistent, cognitive effort—an introspective dive that requires us to look within ourselves at a level that demands ongoing exploration. This, however, is a complex and […]

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Is Money Evil or Not?

Is Money Evil or Not?

This is a very feeble question that often pops up in conversations, especially among the younger generation. It’s a misleading question that, if left unchecked, could cause confusion and chaos in our understanding of life. Such questions should be removed from our realm of understanding, as they create unnecessary friction in our pursuit of clarity. […]

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From Consumption to Creation: Embracing Reflection and Action for Personal Growth

From Consumption to Creation: Embracing Reflection and Action for Personal Growth

In the past, I spent a lot of time consuming content broadly, waiting for ideas to emerge. In retrospect, I should have engaged in more reflective sessions to focus on my ideas and find my purpose. However, I was overwhelmed by numerous popular culture themes, mesmerized by the content, and kept postponing the start of […]

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The G Factor: Myth or Reality in Determining Success?

The G Factor: Myth or Reality in Determining Success?

The g factor is real. Yesterday, when I was discussing with a professional football player, I asked if Messi or Ronaldo could play at that level solely due to their innate skills. He explained that it’s not just about the innate skills they possess; they can also anticipate moves beforehand in their minds better than […]

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Identifying My Cause: Embracing a Path Beyond High Intellectualism

Identifying My Cause: Embracing a Path Beyond High Intellectualism

I have regrets regarding the numerous pivots I’ve made with my startups. Along the way, I realized that the real issue wasn’t just identifying a problem; it was about understanding and addressing the underlying cause, a concept unfamiliar to many. Initially, I focused on mentoring and expert-led courses, striving to understand the value I was […]

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My Father and His Cats

My Father and His Cats

My father retired in 2016, following the social script that had been etched in our minds since birth: retire at 60, settle into a quiet life. What we hadn’t realized then was the intricate dance of human behavior, the constant yearning for a moving goalpost that defines our life’s journey. Without much resistance, Father surrendered […]

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Our Quest to Unwrap Intelligence

Our Quest to Unwrap Intelligence

Intelligence can be defined by several key traits, including curiosity, resilience, and the ability to learn. These traits are crucial in understanding and assessing human intelligence. However, when we hear about these traits, there is an inherent bias in our system that leads us to believe we possess them. While it is true that we […]

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