The G Factor: Myth or Reality in Determining Success?


Published on: 2024-02-01T07:29:08

The g factor is real. Yesterday, when I was discussing with a professional football player, I asked if Messi or Ronaldo could play at that level solely due to their innate skills. He explained that it’s not just about the innate skills they possess; they can also anticipate moves beforehand in their minds better than other players. So, it’s not merely about sheer brute physical force, but also about mental capacities. This realization made me understand that the g factor is indeed real. If someone has innate talent, nurturing it through mentoring, building leverage through relationships, and gaining maximum exposure can help them reach their goals. However, merely believing in their talent and being arrogant won’t work. Just as in the natural world, where things appear self-reliant but are actually interdependent, humans need to be self-reliant with their talents while also depending on others to achieve their goals. In the current world, this is often done through leveraging relationships.

Published on: 2024-02-01T07:29:08

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Firoz Azees


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