
The Great Leveling: How Internet, Social Media, and AI Transformed the 3Cs of Career Management

The Great Leveling: How Internet, Social Media, and AI Transformed the 3Cs of Career Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional development, the 3Cs framework—Craft, Circle, and Create/Contribute—has long served as a cornerstone for career management. However, the dawn of the digital era has ushered in a seismic shift, fundamentally altering the terrain upon which careers are built and navigated. The internet has demolished information barriers, social media has rewritten […]

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The 3C Framework for Accelerated Career Growth

The 3C Framework for Accelerated Career Growth

Our research reveals that individuals who strategically allocate 20% of their monthly time to networking, skills enhancement, and reputation-building experience the most rapid and successful career advancement. Surprisingly, this represents only 7% of the workforce. The remaining 93% focus solely on their current roles, mistakenly believing this is sufficient for long-term career progression. The 3C Framework for Accelerated Career Growth Capability: Cultivate […]

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Family Influence: Beyond Financial Backgrounds in Career Succes

After poring over thousands of well-established personalities worldwide in terms of their careers, we usually have a tendency to point out the financial background as the reason. But interestingly, what pattern keeps appearing is the accumulation of awareness among family members and how their peer surroundings knowingly or unknowingly influence us. What my takeaway is, […]

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Your Body Clock at Work: How Circadian Rhythm Can Shape Your Career

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often overlook the profound influence that our biological rhythms have on our daily activities, including our careers. Circadian rhythms, the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle and other bodily functions over a 24-hour period, play a crucial role in determining our optimal times for productivity, […]

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The challenges faced by Byju’s can be summarized into three key arguments:

Lack of an overarching vision for creating massive value for the users What happened to Byju’s is a classic case in the venture capital world. It represents unchecked, selfish, self-centered, money-hungry individuals who think only in terms of high-octane 1000x growth. The founder failed to realize how the VC world works when the funds were […]

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Cracking the Career Code: Mastering Growth with the 3Cs Framework

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic professional landscape, individuals are constantly seeking ways to advance their careers and achieve their full potential. With the rise of automation, globalization, and digital transformation, traditional career paths are evolving, requiring professionals to adapt and acquire new skills to stay relevant. In this article, we’ll explore how the 3Cs Framework—Capability, […]

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Exploring Career Depths: Assessing Deep and Surface Level Work Across Professions

In the intricate tapestry of modern professional life, the distinction between engaging, impactful tasks and routine, administrative duties emerges as a critical factor shaping job satisfaction and overall contribution to society. This article introduces a novel framework for evaluating “deep level work” and “surface level work” across a spectrum of professions. Unlike Cal Newport’s concept […]

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Career Navigation: Simple Lessons from Physics

In the vast cosmos of career growth, we can take cues from basic physics laws, simplifying their wisdom for practical application. Let’s break it down: 1. Newton’s First Law: Inertia at Work 2. Newton’s Third Law: Action and Reaction 3. Laws of Thermodynamics: Managing Career Energy Navigating Your Career Odyssey Just as the laws of […]

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Maximizing Your Career Luck Surface Area: A Symphony of Intention and Serendipity

In the intricate dance of career progression, the intersection of proactive efforts and fortuitous events shapes a professional journey. Dr. James Austin’s taxonomy of luck, comprising Blind Luck, Luck from Motion, Luck from Awareness, and Luck from Uniqueness, acts as a compass guiding individuals through the labyrinth of professional development. Here’s a navigational guide on […]

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Career Navigation: Simple Lessons from Physics

In the vast cosmos of career growth, we can take cues from basic physics laws, simplifying their wisdom for practical application. Let’s break it down: Newton’s First Law: Inertia at Work 2. Newton’s Third Law: Action and Reaction 3. Laws of Thermodynamics: Managing Career Energy Navigating Your Career Odyssey Just as the laws of physics […]

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Embracing the Entropy of Nature in Careers: A Lesson from the Wild

In the vast tapestry of nature, there’s an inherent force guiding everything—the rise of entropy. Entropy, a measure of disorder and randomness, shapes the dynamic dance of the natural world. Surprisingly, our modern careers often avoid this natural entropy, favouring stability and predictability. Let’s explore why our careers might just need a touch of natural […]

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Navigating Your Career with Antifragility

In the dynamic landscape of modern careers, the concept of antifragility, as coined by Nassim Taleb, offers a compelling framework for not only enduring but excelling in the face of chaos and adversity. Taleb’s insights resonate deeply in the professional realm, urging individuals to cultivate a career that not only withstands challenges but evolves and […]

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Introducing Innovative Career Metrics – Career Growth Achievement Index (CGAI) and Career Growth Score (CGS)

n the fast-paced world of professional development, individuals are constantly seeking effective ways to assess and enhance their career growth. Recognizing this need, a novel scoring system has emerged — the Career Growth Achievement Index (CGAI) and Career Growth Score (CGS). These metrics go beyond traditional evaluations, offering a granular approach to measure achievements and […]

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Discover how building 150 industry connections can launch your career to new heights!

Discover how building 150 industry connections can launch your career to new heights! Robin Dunbar’s Study: Robin Dunbar, a British anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist, proposed Dunbar’s Number, suggesting a cognitive limit to the number of stable social relationships a person can maintain. The commonly cited Dunbar’s Number is around 150, representing a theoretical limit based on […]

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5 Freelance Jobs That You Need To Know About

Companies across an array of industry sectors hire freelance professionals to perform a variety of jobs. It benefits both the parties. The corporates benefit from the expertise of the freelancers on a project basis who on the other hand avail flexible work schedules along with decent income. By finding out about the different types of […]

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The Importance Of Planning Your Career

Career is an individual’s metaphorical “journey” through learning, work and other aspects of life. As you gain more experience in the worlds of work and life, you are building your career. Your career path takes account of your education, training and the job roles you undertake in your lifetime. It also includes your family and life roles, […]

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