Dog man 7 summary


Published on: 2024-09-06T10:54:12

One day, Petey saved a kid and was in the news, but he got angry because seven dogs got pardoned from jail. Meanwhile, Dog Man and Chief chased a thief, but Chief got tired. Dog Man continued the chase, but the thief distracted him and escaped. Dog Man accidentally knocked Chief over and went home. Little Petey thought Dog Man didn’t learn at all.

Meanwhile, Petey was giving a speech, but Piggy and his team were after Petey and were going to hypnotize him. However, Petey got pardoned and went home. Petey took Little Petey away from Dog Man and went home. Petey made a deal with Dog Man and went to sleep. Piggy and his team hypnotized a cat, but the cat threw Piggy. Little Petey went to find Petey’s dad and told 80-HD to do it.

In the morning, Grampa came and messed up the house. Meanwhile, Petey gave Grampa seafood crack, and Grampa taunted Petey. Dr. Scum made robot balls and went to kill Dog Man. Petey and Little Petey made a robot and went to save Dog Man. Little Petey told Dog Man to scare the robots away, and they defeated all the robots. But Dr. Scum made a big robot and fought Petey’s robot. Dr. Scum fried Petey’s robot and captured everyone. Meanwhile, Piggy stole the Hope Mode ring.

Petey’s robot became a butterfly and fought Dr. Scum. Dr. Scum got arrested, and they arrested Piggy and his team. But Grampa stole all of Petey’s furniture, so Petey and Little Petey stayed at Dog Man’s house.

Published on: 2024-09-06T10:54:12

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