Dog man 1 Summary


Published on: 2024-09-05T17:47:05

One day, a cop and a dog were walking down the street. There was a thief named Petey in a building. When he saw them, he had an idea. First, he planted a bomb, then he screamed “Help!” The cop and the dog ran to the bomb. The cop accidentally cut the wrong wire, and the bomb exploded. After a few minutes, the ambulance came, then they went to the hospital.

At the hospital, the cop’s head was dying, and the dog’s body was dying, so the nurse told the doctor, “What if we sew the dog’s head to the cop’s body?” “Great idea,” said the doctor. So she sewed them, and there was a new hero named Dog Man.

Petey was angry, so he built a giant vacuum cleaner and chased Dog Man. Dog Man saw a sign to the ocean and ran toward the ocean. When he got in the sea, the vacuum followed him too and sucked everything in Dog Man’s way. Dog Man got in the sea, and the vacuum followed him. Petey was scared, so he climbed on top of the vacuum, and the bag exploded. Petey and Dog Man were flying in the air, and then they fell to the ground. Then Dog Man arrested Petey and put him in cat jail.

One day, something happened to the chief on his way to the station. When he got there, he was angry because his office was not clean. Dog Man peed all over the floor and chewed chief’s slippers. He shouted at Dog Man. Then the mayor came and shouted at the chief because he was soft on crime, then the mayor left.

Dog Man tried to cheer up. Suddenly, Dog Man heard something. The mayor had an evil plan, so Dog Man followed her car, and Dog Man reached a strange factory. When he saw the mayor talking to someone, he recorded evidence on his phone.

Then Petey got a package from the mayor. It was invisible spray, and he sprayed it all over him. Then he called the guard to look for him, and he escaped jail.

Soon, the mayor came to the station. Dog Man followed the mayor’s car, but then the mayor fired the chief and replaced him with a robot. Then the mayor called his friend and her team of bad guys to make rotten business. But Petey scared all the customers. The mayor got angry and sent robo-chief to fight Petey, but Petey destroyed him.

When the mayor found out, she got angry, so she took her car and drove to the station, and told Dog Man to find Petey. Dog Man found Petey and ran back to the station. In the evening, the mayor took Dog Man to cop awards and told him to give a speech. Dog Man didn’t know how to give a speech, so he played the video he took earlier and got the mayor arrested. Soon there was a new mayor. Dog Man took the new mayor to chief’s house, and chief got hired.

Published on: 2024-09-05T17:47:05

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