

Ninja Tropic

Mode of Learning

Self-Paced with Assessments

What is The Course All About?


  • Engaging Format: Utilizes video-based microlearning, which is highly engaging and easily digestible for modern learners.
  • Customizable Content: Tailors content to specific organizational needs and goals, ensuring relevance and impact.
  • Scalable Solution: Easily scalable for organizations of all sizes, making it a practical choice for large-scale training initiatives.
  • Expert Video Production: Leveraging their expertise in video production to create visually appealing and impactful learning materials.
  • Focus on Behavior Change: Aims to drive real behavioral change through practical application of leadership principles.


  • Limited Live Interaction: Lacks live interaction with instructors or peers, potentially hindering opportunities for discussion and clarification.
  • Limited Depth in Certain Areas: May not provide in-depth coverage of all specialized leadership topics or advanced concepts.
  • Lack of Community: Does not offer a dedicated community platform for learners to connect, collaborate, and share experiences.
  • Limited Career Guidance: Does not include personalized career coaching or mentorship, nor does it highlight any industry partnerships for career placement.
  • Lack of Transparency on Pricing: Pricing information is not readily available on the website, requiring potential clients to reach out for details.

Primary Focus: Skill Acquisition

Who is the Course Meant For?

  • Organizations seeking to enhance leadership skills across all levels, from frontline managers to executives.
  • Companies looking for engaging and effective training solutions that can be easily scaled and delivered remotely.
  • Individuals interested in developing their leadership potential through bite-sized, video-based learning modules.

Accreditations and Rankings

Ninja Tropic
Advanced (for experienced learners)

Skills: What does this program cover?

  • Depth and Breadth of Topics Moderate
  • Case Studies Strong
  • Tools Strong
  • Capstone Projects/Real World Application Moderate
Skills: 20 /30

Faculties: Who are the experts behind the course?

  • Academic/Industry Exp. Moderate
  • Teaching Experience Strong
  • Industry Recognition Strong
Faculties: 15 /20

Delivery Methods: How Is the program delivered?

  • Live Interaction Not Applicable
  • Self-Paced Strong
  • Assessment Moderate
  • Community Very Limited
  • Collaborative Very Limited
Delivery Methods: 11 /30

Career Assistance: How does the program support career growth?

  • Mentoring Not Applicable
  • Personalized Assistance Limited
  • Alumni Network Not Applicable
  • Industry Partnerships Strong
Career Assistance: 4 /15

Student Satisfaction and Feedback: What Do Students Say About the Course?

  • Feedback & Improvement Strong
Alumini Feedback: 4 /5

Benchmark Labels:

Strong (75-100%): This indicates the course demonstrates exceptional strengths in this area, exceeding expectations.
Moderate (50-74%): This signifies the course performs adequately in this area, covering essential aspects.
Limited (25-49%): This highlights areas where the course could significantly improve to provide a more comprehensive learning experience.
Very Limited (1-24%): This indicates that coverage in this area may be minimal, or even non-existent.
Not Applicable: This indicates that this criteria is not applicable for this course.

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