

Anthony Cole Training

Mode of Learning

Instructor-led lectures (virtual or in-person)

What is The Course All About?


  • Personalized Coaching: Individualized coaching sessions tailored to specific needs and goals, providing focused attention and guidance.
  • Experienced Coaches: Access to experienced coaches with a proven track record of success in leadership development and executive coaching.
  • Focus on Results: Emphasis on practical application and measurable outcomes, ensuring that the learning translates into real-world improvements.
  • Industry Expertise: Deep understanding of the financial services industry, tailoring the program to address specific challenges faced by leaders in this sector.
  • Strong Testimonials: Positive feedback from clients highlighting the program’s effectiveness and the coach’s expertise.


  • Limited Peer Interaction: Primarily focused on one-on-one coaching, lacking opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.
  • High Cost: Personalized coaching can be expensive, making it less accessible for individuals or organizations with limited budgets.
  • No Standardized Curriculum: The program is highly customized, which may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and predetermined learning path.
  • Limited Online Resources: Primarily focuses on in-person and virtual coaching sessions, with limited access to online resources or community platforms for ongoing learning and support.
  • Limited Transparency: Pricing and detailed program information are not readily available on the website, requiring direct contact for more details.

Primary Focus: Skill Acquisition

Who is the Course Meant For?

  • CEOs and executives looking to elevate their leadership skills and drive organizational growth.
  • High-potential leaders seeking to refine their personal effectiveness and impact.
  • Leadership teams aiming to improve alignment, communication, and overall performance.

Accreditations and Rankings

Anthony Cole Training
Advanced (for experienced learners)

Skills: What does this program cover?

  • Depth and Breadth of Topics Strong
  • Case Studies Moderate
  • Tools Strong
  • Capstone Projects/Real World Application Strong
Skills: 8448 /30

Faculties: Who are the experts behind the course?

  • Academic/Industry Exp. Strong
  • Teaching Experience Strong
  • Industry Recognition Strong
Faculties: 757 /20

Delivery Methods: How Is the program delivered?

  • Live Interaction Strong
  • Self-Paced Not Applicable
  • Assessment Strong
  • Community Very Limited
  • Collaborative Limited
Delivery Methods: 60512 /30

Career Assistance: How does the program support career growth?

  • Mentoring Strong
  • Personalized Assistance Strong
  • Alumni Network Limited
  • Industry Partnerships Moderate
Career Assistance: 5511 /15

Student Satisfaction and Feedback: What Do Students Say About the Course?

  • Feedback & Improvement Strong
Alumini Feedback: 5 /5

Benchmark Labels:

Strong (75-100%): This indicates the course demonstrates exceptional strengths in this area, exceeding expectations.
Moderate (50-74%): This signifies the course performs adequately in this area, covering essential aspects.
Limited (25-49%): This highlights areas where the course could significantly improve to provide a more comprehensive learning experience.
Very Limited (1-24%): This indicates that coverage in this area may be minimal, or even non-existent.
Not Applicable: This indicates that this criteria is not applicable for this course.

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